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Why sex dolls are becoming more and more common

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Recently, more and more big cities have quietly opened up silicone doll "adult experience galleries". A silicone doll is a simulated adult sex object that is made to feel like a real person and is used to satisfy a person's physical needs. In the beginning, most of these experience halls were opened near factories and were mostly consumed by migrant workers and older men. Nowadays, these users are becoming younger and younger. There are white-collar workers, ordinary workers and even college students who patronise the adult experience centres.

The owner of one silicone doll shop admits that of the more than 5,000 services he has provided at his shop, 80% of the consumers are adult males in the 20-35 range. The "shared sex doll" experience hall, a search on a software in Beijing, can search out 242. Young men sneak in, spend money and then sneak out. Some think it's against human decency and that they come and go with a sense of shame. Others feel that it is just a biological need and does not need to be taken to the extreme.<o:p></o:p>

In countries like France, where red-light districts are strictly forbidden, dolls can also be licensed: in Austria, local men go crazy for sex dolls and sales are phenomenal: sex is an immediate social need, and young people don't want to enter into relationships to get it. But the hidden lust never goes away, but grows and grows underground. A lot of articles are written about how "young people don't fall in love anymore" and how no one wants to run a relationship, but young people are secretly using faster ways to satisfy their needs. Behind the rise of the "silicone doll" phenomenon, the most important thing to think about is the fact that more and more young people are living a repressed, non-possessive life. There is less and less need for relationships, less and less desire for material things, and more and more inclination to be single. Even sexuality, not even a living person is needed anymore.<o:p></o:p>

Kanaris, director of the Psychological Services Centre in New York, says that young men choose to have sex with inanimate silicone dolls because "there is no emotional or interpersonal feedback". Meaning, they increasingly prefer the simplicity of a social relationship that is not overly involved. And the negative effects are obvious. They are so obsessed with lusting and developing relationships with dolls that they isolate themselves from real and full human relationships. In the film The Wedding Banquet, the guests drink themselves to death and talk slutty to the bride. Faced with the foreigners' disbelief, Ang Lee comes up with a remark that explains much of the phenomenon: you are seeing the results of 5,000 years of sexual repression. The latest census showed that the single population in China surpassed 240 million.<o:p></o:p>

The need for people's sexual needs, sex dolls appear in our sight is also becoming more and more common, they can be very good to help us solve our sexual needs, at the same time they have a variety of types, people can choose the doll they want according to their favorite type, they can be anime sex dolls, big breast sex dolls, Japanese sex dolls, big ass sex dolls and so on, they can be very good to meet people's needs and desires.<o:p></o:p>

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