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Complained Of Dropped Calls Before Arrest Of Alleged Cell Phone Jammer

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A Chicago resident, aged 63, was formally charged on Tuesday for employing an illicit device to find solace during his commute on the CTA.

The man has been accused of interfering with cell phone signals before, as reported by Audrina Bigos of CBS 2, and the high number of complaints about dropped calls has raised concerns.

After being charged with a felony for using a signal jamming device, Dennis Nicholl, a certified public accountant, left the jail dressed in a ball cap and business casual attire.

The device caught Keegan Goudie's attention, leading him and his brother to write a post on after encountering it on the CTA Red Line.

Chas remarked that his behavior suggested he was engaging in suspicious activities, and that the device seemed inappropriate for him to possess.

Online retailers offer cell phone blocker for sale at prices that vary between $30 and $300. Federal regulations strictly forbid the sale, purchase, or operation of these devices. These jammers have the ability to block cell phone signals, police radio transmissions, and emergency calls.

Keegan expressed the belief that it serves as evidence of what any person can achieve in relation to security and the menace of terrorism in a metropolitan setting.

Over the course of several months, the Chicago Police diligently probed into complaints regarding dropped calls along the Red Line. Subsequently, a 911 caller brought attention to the now infamous Nicholl. He was apprehended by undercover officers on a CTA platform on Tuesday and is now confronting a felony charge.

According to attorney Charles Lauer, there was no malicious intent to cause harm to anyone.

In an attempt to seek tranquility, Nicholl's lawyer argues that he resorted to employing signal blocker due to his frustration with the incessant presence of people using their cell phones.

As per the FCC, those who employ cell phone jammers risk imprisonment and hefty fines. The fines can amount to $16,000 for each violation or reach as high as $112,000 for a single use of the device.

Wednesday night saw Nicholl being released from jail after securing bond.

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