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The driving force behind male loneliness

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Men are the stronger of the sexes. People have this implanted in their minds. But if this is true, then why do more men than women commit suicide?

The statistics<o:p></o:p>

One of a man's ultimate dreams is to own his own house. People get dizzy when he holds the keys to his house - almost like a girl who has just shaken hands with Tom Cruise. For him, it symbolises happiness and freedom. Finally, he doesn't have to share space with siblings or strangers. In his home, he can do whatever he wants at his own pace. If he wants, he can even buy a sex doll or spend the whole day in his birthday suit.<o:p></o:p>

In addition, it gives him an appearance of independence. Being able to live independently means that he is capable and resourceful. These things add to his masculinity.<o:p></o:p>

So it's a win in every sense of the word. But this is only the beginning. The pleasure a man feels will gradually deteriorate. Living alone comes with a caveat - you will have more time to realise how relentless life can be. As the study points out, many men feel the pain of loneliness and isolation. In addition, if things get out of hand, it can lead to suicide.<o:p></o:p>

Some problems we cannot solve alone, so we need the help of companions. Often, these companions are our best or close friends. However, as a poll conducted in the UK found, 18% of men do not have someone they consider to be a close friend. Similarly, 32% of people admitted that they did not have a best friend. From this alone, we can see why men have difficulty in dealing with their problems. But the lack of close or best friends is not the main reason why many men commit suicide. It goes deeper than that.<o:p></o:p>

The same survey shows that men are usually more lonely than women. However, they are less likely to admit this. a 2017 survey by the Jo Cox Commission on Loneliness reinforced this idea. In the survey, which included 1,200 men, many admitted that they would rather hide their feelings. <o:p></o:p>

Their upbringing<o:p></o:p>

Men most likely got this behaviour from the teachings of their fathers - and sometimes even their mothers. When they were boys, their parents told them to grow up to be the 'gold standard'. The man who is strong, confident and reliable. If there was one adjective that didn't fit him, it was vulnerable. Talking about mental health issues and being emotional is showing weakness. Therefore, it is a taboo. <o:p></o:p>

When men show signs of vulnerability, they say things like "there's nothing a real man can't handle" or "man up!" and so on.<o:p></o:p>

Lack of contact and the isolation it causes<o:p></o:p>

As mentioned above, most men lose close contact with past friends when they reach adulthood. Although they can form new friendships, this is easier said than done.<o:p></o:p>

Research shows that women are more likely to make new friends. They can easily connect with other parents they meet at their children's school or sports teams. All they need to do is talk a few times and in a few days they will be close friends.<o:p></o:p>

However, male friendships thrive on a wide range of shared experiences. Examples of these experiences include serving in the army, playing team sports or camping together. And because they are busy with work most of the time, they don't have time to do this. <o:p></o:p>

Speaking of work, that's where they make new friends. If these friendships end outside of their workplace, then loneliness returns to feel like it.<o:p></o:p>

The driving force behind male loneliness<o:p></o:p>

Sometimes, to overcome feelings of isolation, men will buy sex dolls. You will be surprised to learn that they do not do this for the sexual pleasure the product can provide. Instead, they buy the doll to add a human presence to their home. It provides them with a companion - and gives them the belief that they are not alone. Many people nowadays choose to buy a sex doll in order to address their sexual needs and their feelings of loneliness. There are many types of dolls available nowadays such as anime sex dolls, mini sex dolls, torso sex dolls, large breasted sex dolls and many more. They can all be very good company for men.<o:p></o:p>

Of course, men can also get married. Partners are usually our best confidants. But because men tend to keep their problems to themselves, sometimes marriage is not the answer to their feelings of loneliness.<o:p></o:p>

You are important<o:p></o:p>

Lonely men are already at a high risk of suicide. Losing a family member, breaking up or losing their job can lead them to commit suicide. If you are having these thoughts, seek help. Many people are willing to listen to you and help you work through what you are going through.<o:p></o:p>

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