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MMOexp: To keep in line with the role-play of the lightning guardian

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You can use a variety like going through different schools of Elden Ring Runes magic trying out Frenzy Burst, Black Flame, and even the best deal incantations that you get from Stone of Gurranq and Gurranq's Beast Claw.

However, to keep in line with the role-play of the lightning guardian, we are going to be sticking purely with lightning spells. Talking of lightning spells, there is a surprising amount of them throughout the game. You can get some of the more simple yet still very effective ones very early on such as the standard Lightning Spear. As you're progressing through, you'll come across the Frozen Lightning Spear, Landsax's Glaive, Lightning Strike, and a few others that we are not wielding here because they have crazy high Faith requirements, but ut you can seriously have some fun with the versatility of this build.

Elden Ring 1.07 Poise Breakpoints - Poise Breakpoints Chart for All Weapon Types in Elden Ring Elden Ring 1.07 Poise Breakpoints - Poise Breakpoints Chart for All Weapon Types in Elden Ring10/21/2022 10:42:27 AMTag:Gear Guide
Tons of items received an increase in poise damage for PvP in Elden Ring 1.07 Patch, including spells, incantations, hammers, some colossal weapons, and more. How will that change affect the poise needed to tank all the ER weapons? Here is the full list of Elden Ring 1.07 poise breakpoints chart for buy Elden Ring Runes all weapon types.

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