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The best way to hide dolls from your wife

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So it makes sense that their dolls are safe and hidden, especially from their suspicious wives. What about dolls of any size? Well, this incense may be outrageous, what if we told you that there are some simple and most importantly what ways you can hide your dolls from your wife? Yes, there are some lovey-dovey ways designed to hide your dolls so come and help your sex dolls

Use your garage<o:p></o:p>

If you get a little creative, your garage can be used as a storage place for your personal dolls. Now, we all know that sex dolls come in big boxes. Most of the time, people simply discard these boxes as they are of no use whatsoever. But for you, they can come in handy. All you need to do is pack your dolls and store them in your garage. Even better, you can buy some boxes that can hold your dolls. Then the next obvious step is for you to pack your dolls into your garage. For good measure, you can also tuck some other random items into your garage to provide cover for the 'real thing'. If your wife asks, you can make any excuse that it's just some of your old stuff.<o:p></o:p>

In your wardrobe<o:p></o:p>

Many doll lovers tend to hide their dolls underneath the closet. You too can follow suit and adopt this method of hiding your dolls. The only problem is that your closet must have enough space to fully fit the sex dolls. The plan here is simple; you simply place your doll at the very back of the closet and then in front of it as you put all your clothes away. This will provide plenty of cover for the hidden dolls as your wife is less likely to completely ransack your wardrobe. This method works wonders when you have doll torsos rather than full-size dolls, as they are easier to adjust in the limited space of a wardrobe. But this strategy also works for full-size sex dolls, provided you can make enough room in the wardrobe for them to be properly hidden. <o:p></o:p>

Buy removable sex dolls<o:p></o:p>

Buy sexable dolls<o:p></o:p>

Now, this one doesn't need much explanation. All you need to do here is to buy a detachable doll and hide its parts. Many doll owners tend to buy a detachable sex doll and then hide her parts in some old box or travel bag. As your personal travel bags are less likely to be 'investigated' by your wife, they can safely hide your dolls. The only challenge here is that you need to ensure that the bag or box containing the doll parts remains secure. There are many other ways to hide removable dolls. Or perhaps you purchase a torso sex doll in the same way<o:p></o:p>

Rent a private storage unit<o:p></o:p>

A private piece of furniture<o:p></o:p>

This method is for when all other strategies for hiding your doll have failed. So, yes, this is more of a last ditch effort to hide your sex doll from your wife. For this, you will need to rent a private locker and submit your treasures (sex dolls) into it. Now, this method is somewhat foolproof, as your wife cannot magically find your private locker. However, you should only consider this method if all else fails. This is because renting a private locker may cost you some money. In addition, it may be a little inconvenient to take your doll out of the private locker and return her to it. Nevertheless, it is an effective way to keep your adult love doll away from the suspicious eyes of your wife. <o:p></o:p>


So, these are some of the methods you can use to keep your doll hidden from your wife. Most of these strategies require very little effort and can be carried out effortlessly. Of course, you can also create your own unique ways to hide your doll from your significant other. Overall, we hope that these methods will somehow help you to keep your sex doll and wife away from each other.<o:p></o:p>

If you want to learn more about sex dolls you can check out where there are many science articles about sex dolls and you can get a closer look at her.<o:p></o:p>

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