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What it's like to live with your sex doll

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In times of epidemics, people feel very much like they are exiled in their own homes, while the internet links them in a jumbled way. We hate to be online 24/7, but we are still alone with our inner panic. It is at this time that the desire to live suddenly becomes sensitive and extraordinarily strong.

He likes to play chess with his left and right hands on his iPad, which is a hobby of a coder, and sometimes he can stay up all night when he is absorbed.<o:p></o:p>

He is always thinking about love and marriage. Before the epidemic, if he came home early, he would walk around downstairs, and if he met a girl he liked, he would accidentally say a few words, or pat someone's puppy and add a WeChat, and that would be it, with no follow-up story. The love-at-first-sight scenario on the screen never happened to him.<o:p></o:p>

Once the epidemic hit, the little ripples in his life that had been there disappeared. He returned to the city where he worked just after New Year's Eve, and when he entered the neighbourhood, it was full of people without a hint of popularity. The residents used to fight over parking spaces I don't know how many times, but now he could park sideways. Even if there is a girl with a puppy, Li does not dare to go out.<o:p></o:p>

Sometimes he could finish his day's work in half an hour, but the rest of the day was spent crouched in his house, looking around on the internet and somehow losing the day. After a few days off, he felt his mind was a bit "foggy", as if it was full of jumbled codes.<o:p></o:p>

The arrival of the sex doll, I have to admit, somehow saved Lee from his "confusion".<o:p></o:p>

One day at the end of February, Li couldn't shut up anymore. He met up with some photographers and went to a deserted beach to let off some steam and take some photos. One of them mysteriously told them that they were going to take something new today. It was an adventurous little gathering, and when we arrived at our destination, the man got out of the back seat with a person, who turned out to be a solid doll. A couple of middle-aged men immediately gathered around and gave it a few squeezes with their hands all over the place in novelty. "Open your eyes and you know it's just a blob of glue, close your eyes and it really does look quite similar to real skin." The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who have been in the business for a long time.<o:p></o:p>

When he went home to sort through the photos, the idea of buying a doll came to him. The epidemic gave him a lot of time to do his homework on the "Yimei Dolls" forum, where his friends are active. A friend's doll from Japan cost as little as 100,000 RMB, which was too expensive for the value-for-money-minded Li Juelu, and he ended up ordering a domestic product for over 5,000 RMB, which met his expectations of a doll and balanced quality and price.<o:p></o:p>

On the day he received the doll, after calming his initial discomfort, Li put his head on the doll while consulting with customer service, and then dressed the doll - a completely different task to dressing a living person, as the doll's limbs were stiff and some of the clothes required the head to be removed to be put on.<o:p></o:p>

A few hours later, the life-size doll, wearing a white embroidered lace-trimmed halter dress with shoulder-length hair, appeared in front of Lee's eyes, and he felt an immediate and wonderful change in his dead room.<o:p></o:p>

The original layout of Lee's room was rather uninteresting, with cold, hard lines, solid-coloured furniture, a single sofa, a small coffee table and a few pots of greenery as an accent. The doll in front of him looked out of place, her eyes slightly squinted and lost in thought, and Lee found a banal metaphor: "A beautiful woman in a bikini, lying under that parasol by the sea, the breeze blowing, that kind of feeling."<o:p></o:p>

Anyway, the silicone love doll, made of metal and silicone, gave Lee's room an air of softness and the light seemed to come to life. The thought of returning the doll vanished, "It seems nice."<o:p></o:p>

The rest of the home life became a "two-person world" and became a little more interesting. Lee would dress the doll up and design some portraits of her own: she could be sitting on the sofa in a sexy dress, leaning against a wall with hazel eyes, or lying on the bed in the most spacious position, "just dress her up at whatever time and in whatever state you need her to be," and just shoot and look at whatever she wanted, and most of the day would pass. The day is over. The doll is silent, but absolutely docile, and Li Zhiliu experiences a subtle and real sense of companionship brought about by a non-living 'object'.<o:p></o:p>

As for the erotic function, Li admits to having tried it a few times out of curiosity, but the experience was far from good, "It's too heavy and it doesn't talk." He thinks he should have bought a mini sex doll, which would have been better.<o:p></o:p>

Li has always been a forum diver, never posting, "How can I do this?" But many users are more open-minded than Li. During the home isolation period, someone made a small web series with continuous photos of the dolls, and although the lines read in a haphazard way, the story was sincere, about lovers who left each other without saying goodbye, but became their own colleagues a few years later, and they renewed their relationship. Halfway through the serial, the doll's thighs are blackened by poor quality stockings, and no more photos can be taken. The story has come to an end, and the author simply writes the closing line: "Let's start from where the memory breaks".<o:p></o:p>

More new buyers have little desire to create, they have a highly practical purpose. Before buying, some tried to convince their girlfriends, who were separating them, to accept the doll with overly blunt reasons: "First of all, I must not be emotionally invested in the doll, she's just a toy; secondly, it's better to be with the doll than to go out and find girls to vent their desires and cheat on, right?"<o:p></o:p>

Some people just put the doll on the sofa to catch up on TV shows with themselves, feeling that "there is a companion"; there are people who work on construction sites, "there is no woman, and the door is not open outside recently", bought a doll, especially satisfied, "the face is really A man who had wanted to buy one for a long time but had been hesitant, now had a good reason to convince himself, "You don't say, it's really pretty when you dress it up", and he couldn't wait to give the doll a quick bath.<o:p></o:p>

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