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2022 What do you know about physical dolls

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Just to share with you how the industry has changed over the past year or two. Let's start with the story of the birth of the physical doll. Physical dolls were first born in inflatable dolls, [first recorded dolls] was in 1865, Qing Dynasty scholars Xia Xie in the "Chinese and Western Chronicle" first mentioned dolls, foreigners made things naked women, can be intercourse as humane 1865 Qing Dynasty scholars first recorded inflatable dolls but [first made dolls] was during World War II, Hitler in order to prevent German soldiers and the occupation of the "non-Aryan Hitler, in order to prevent German soldiers from having sex with women of "non-Aryan" descent in the occupied territories and to prevent the spread of venereal disease in the barracks, ordered SS Commander Himmler to secretly develop inflatable dolls, the most primitive version of the inflatable doll. Hitler had specific requirements for the inflatable doll, which had to have all the qualities of a beautiful woman, such as white skin, blonde hair, blue glasses, a height of 176, fat lips and full breasts.

But unfortunately, on the night of 13 February 1945, the city of Dresden in eastern Germany was suddenly bombed in an unprecedented manner, and that great factory for making [inflatable dolls] was not spared and the project was put on hold, which was then copied exactly [by the United States during the Vietnam War] to provide American GIs with inflatable dolls and received unanimous acclaim, and thus as a derivative of war the inflatable doll was born, quite literally simple and brutal! This image is randomly taken from the internet and is not for reference value until the mid 20th century when Japan sent the first group of researchers to Antarctica. Concerned about the health implications of prolonged abstinence for the expedition members, the caring government developed a high quality sex inflatable at public expense and named it 'Antarctica 1' (a heartbreaking name).<o:p></o:p>

By 1970, the typical inflatable sex doll first appeared in Japan, and by this time it was portable and tactile enough to make men feel for a while that the time had finally come. Photo from the internet: Antarctica One cover image In the early 90s, people started using high grade medical non-toxic soft silicone or PVC to make inflatable dolls, giving "them" a texture close to real skin, although they were still a bit hard to touch, but that didn't stop geeks from loving them.<o:p></o:p>

During the same period there were also attempts to make semi-solid skeletal sex dolls (dolls with solid silicone faces, breasts, hands and feet, and lower bodies, but the rest of the doll needed to be inflated), but due to the technology and materials available at that time, the product did not work well. It was not until the twenty-first century, thanks to upgraded medical materials and a rising market, that the inflatable dolls were finally brought closer to the real thing.<o:p></o:p>

The physical doll was then born. Excerpts from the network: semi-entity dolls own entity dolls, the brand do not ask, or I have a suspicion of advertising own entity dolls, the brand do not ask, or I have a suspicion of advertising Throughout the development, in fact, it is not difficult to find that overseas is still the main direction of the doll, the domestic is only the last two years began to heat up, experienced last year out of a pot of porridge, the outbreak of last year, the end of last year's regulation, and this year's lukewarm, in fact, the domestic market, whether it is the factory, or dealers agents, and then retail ports, should be calm thinking. Factory, the vast majority of foreign trade is the main, the domestic few domestic trade is the main factory, after all, the possession is far from enough to support the feeding of a large family. Distribution, agent side, domestic and foreign trade are different targeted. This depends on the ability of each family, retailers we will not talk about for the time being. This also brings out a lot of last year all kinds of users encountered all kinds of problems, such as dolls under the X position is not right ah (high or low) such as the feel on the difference, such as doll shipping speed, etc., the details will not be deep analysis. It is said that chaos produces heroes, because there is chaos to have the end of last year's industry group standard development, it is an honor to participate in the development, but also in the last week got the government department issued the "erotic goods solid doll technical specifications" codification unit certificate. No rules can't make a circle, one time the domestic market fluctuations will bring upstream and downstream industry chain to advance the degree, as well as technological innovation, and constantly listen to the views of all sides, suggestions, good and bad, to help the industry to develop in a better direction.<o:p></o:p>

Consumers also do not need to be blindly wrong when choosing products, each various bragging, in fact, more than a few comparisons, it is not difficult to find, those products that are inferior to good. Now everywhere on the market are touting weight loss, twisting, and so on some functions, not that the function is not good, but from a personal point of view, buy any item we have a subjective need, such as you just take it as a X love doll, then in fact some seemingly powerful function is not very meaningful to us. Some of the better brands now are wm doll, jy doll, gynoid doll and so on.<o:p></o:p>

If you still want to know more about physical dolls you can go to where there are a lot of high quality physical sex dolls, full size sex dolls, torso sex dolls, male love dolls, female love dolls and so on, there is everything you want to see on there.<o:p></o:p>

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