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Too little movement in the office?


<h1>Too little movement in the office?</h1>道場

<h1>Too little movement in the office?</h1>道場


sebrina (道場主)


Science has proven that chronic, low-grade inflammation can turn into a silent killer of cardiovascular disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes and other diseases. Get simple tips for fighting inflammation and staying healthy from experts at Harvard Medical School.
These desks allow you to do "desk work" standing instead of sitting in a chair. They can be custom made (costing thousands of dollars), or you can convert a regular desk to a standing desk for free by raising your computer - a colleague of mine just put his computer on a stack of books . Sales of [url=][b]standing desks[/b][/url] have skyrocketed in recent years; in many cases, they are far outselling traditional desks. Personally, I like the idea - it's definitely better to stand (stare at a computer screen) than to sit and stare at a computer screen all day. However, I also like the idea of looking at some of the hypothetical ideas surrounding standing desks. A common problem: Of course, it takes more effort to stay upright than to sit&mdash;and extra calories, and over the course of a few days or weeks, those extra calories can add up significantly. But can a standing desk really help you avoid weight gain or even lose weight?
That's exactly the question the researchers, published in the Journal of Physical Activity and Health, sought to answer. (Yes, there are such journals.) They put masks on 74 healthy people and measured their oxygen consumption to reflect how many calories they burned doing computer work, watching TV, standing or walking on a treadmill. Here's what they found:
1. While sitting, the study subjects burned 80 calories per hour &mdash; about the same as typing or watching TV
2. The number of calories burned standing is only slightly higher than sitting - about 88 calories/hour
4. Walking burns 210 calories per hour.
In other words, using an [url=][b]electric standing desk[/b][/url] for three hours burns an additional 24 calories, which is about the same number of calories as carrots. But walking for half an hour during your lunch break can burn an extra 100 calories a day.
Previous reports of standing versus sitting have suggested that standing has a much higher rate of calorie burn, but this new study actually measured energy expenditure and may represent a more accurate assessment.

【キーワード】 standing、desk







