TOP > レジャー・アウトドア > Mobile phone jammers are illegal products abroad道場
In the past two decades, we have seen a dramatic increase in the number of users of mobile communication devices. This has increased the civilized society's demand for more efficient and reliable signal scramblers. Mobile signal jamming devices become civilian products instead of electronic warfare equipment. With the increase in the number of mobile phone users, there is an increasing need to disable mobile phones in certain locations where the phone will interfere with ringing. These places include places of worship, lecture halls, hospitals, concert halls, conference rooms, prisons and other places where quietness is important. Mobile Jammer is very effective in confidential meeting rooms, where important information can be passed from the room to the outside without others knowing. Jammers can be very effective in disrupting communications between prison inmates. 【キーワード】 cell、phone、jammer |