

Evil Uber drivers are using new tactics(0)



Bear will make an effort to clarify the intricacies implicated. Initially, there arises the issue of what and how they are obstructing. Bear will assume that they are causing interference instead of engaging in hacking, as the latter involves an entirely separate affair.

If a human encounters a situation where the network connection to Ubear is lost while the phone, data service, and GPS remain functional, it is probable that the issue lies with the Ubear app. There is no need to assume that nearby drivers are causing interference. When Ubear experiences a loss of coverage, which is frequent in its mountainous environment, no special measures are required to restore access to U/L. This appears to be a problem related to the human's phone.

If human is being jammed, most off-the-shelf (all illegal) jammers are going to be broadband and omnidirectional. In fact, bear finds in a search that such devices advertise their broadband capability. So any driver using one is going to potentially take out not only cell service but also TV broadcast (which still uses the parts of the good ol' UHF band that haven't been sold to the cell providers) and possibly GPS, and maybe even local 2.4GHz services (wifi, bluetooth), within the range of cell phone jammers. These devices aren't exactly subtle and many of them have a stupid amount of broadcast power. Bear saw one device with 8W transmit; in comparison, bear's marine radio normally uses 1W, but if bear is about to drown (bear can swim quite well) and needs the Coast Guard to come from miles away to save bear, bear can kick it up to 25W which gives range of up to 60 miles (the Coast Guard has bigass antennae to receive).

As a result, signal jammers will effectively sabotage their own ability to receive any signal, thereby disconnecting themselves from the network.

Moreover, it is essential for a hotel to allocate a specific timeframe, typically lasting around an hour, for their busy checkout period. In a fixed location, this duration is set to a minimum of 15 minutes. This timeframe far exceeds the duration in which the irresponsible driver, who was apprehended for jamming a particular cell tower during his morning commute, would have been causing disruptions. If individuals are actively interfering with GPS signals, it is likely that military interests would also take notice. Without a doubt, any driver in Florida is never too far away from a Coast Guard asset.

It is conceivable that they possess a low-power device designed to function within a short distance. Evidently, they are aware of the human's habitual napping spot and take advantage of this knowledge. By positioning themselves directly next to the human, they momentarily disrupt their device's signal, exploiting the human's subpar phone that is susceptible to such interference. Wonderful! Now they simply need to repeat this procedure with the multitude of other ants present, as they continue to drive around.

All to earn $0.60/mile on a ride?

Version 1: Bear suggests that individuals maintain the operation of an additional service, like Pandora, while they take a nap. If Pandora does not encounter the same issues, it indicates that the person is not experiencing any interference (unless they are only disrupting the GPS, which should not require them to restart their phone as described).

A test receiver owned by the Bear is equipped to cover a wide range of bands, from FM to UHF, encompassing frequencies between 75 and 900MHz. Humans are graciously invited to borrow this receiver! By selecting a TV band that aligns with their local market and silencing the audio signal of the TV station, the human can effectively counteract interference. When gps jammers is activated, its disruptive noise will surpass the squelch, ensuring the human's awareness.

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Are your drivers employing GPS jammers?(0)

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