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Logical Fallacies to Avoid in Essays(0)



Poor use of logic and making faulty conclusions about the subject at hand is committing a logical fallacy. When writing essays some people use logical fallacies to forcibly prove a point, while others commit these fallacies due to a lack of awareness or through mistake.

These fallacies are used in our daily lives as well. Advertisements use them to sell their products, while politicians use them to put down valid arguments.

To avoid these fallacies, one piece of advice would be to get help from our free essay writer . Remember, a flawed logic will make you lose your readers.

Types of Fallacies

The strawman

The strawman is an informal fallacy that appears to negate a falsely derived argument by twisting the implied meaning of the principle argument.

A strawman argument might attack grade free education by saying that by abolishing grades and leveling the competition, grade free education is looking to dumb down our generation.

The False Dilemma

This is when the options to a choice are narrowed down to two possibilities. The middle ground is removed, even if there is one. In such cases, the logic is: “Either you are with us, or against us.”

The Hasty Generalization

This happens when you make a generalization about a subject based on little evidence. This fallacy can seep into the domain of stereotyping. For example, when a person sees a woman involved in a car accident and concludes: “Women can't drive and are dangerous for other traffic. ”

Appeal to Fear

A tactic that is often used during political and marketing campaigns. This fallacy tries to make one choice better than others by attaching dire and at times exaggerated consequences with the latter.

A political campaign might use it to write my essay to connect banning arms to taking fundamental freedom and rights away from the citizens.

Ad Hominem

When a person, instead of disproving another's argument, theory, or idea, ends up attacking the character of the person. Even if the argument is logically correct, one committing an Ad Hominem will try to shrug it off with name-calling and personal attacks ..

An Ad Hominem would be to call into question the claims of climate change by scientists, by saying what would they know when they can't find a cure for an epidemic.

The Slippery Slope

The person committing this fallacy weaves from a single event an improbable thread of events leading to an ultimate disaster or doom.

Such tactics are usually a hyperbole that is devoid of any logic and only appeals to our hasty emotions.

The Bandwagon

The bandwagon fallacy presents an idea or thing as the right choice on the basis that everyone has it or thinks that way. This makes the popular opinion the right opinion and the most common choice the right choice.

Guilt by Association

This fallacy tries to dismiss an opinion or a logic by sifting for a source with negative credibility and who holds the same opinion. Since the bad person's opinions become inherently bad, the original opinion is deemed bad too.

Once you have written your argumentative essay writing service , it is important to make sure your arguments are logically sound and that you don't fall into one of these fallacies. While many readers might go along with your arguments that you structured with fallacies, academics with their keen vision will catch them without breaking a sweat.

Doing your proper research and prewriting you can make your own unique arguments in either defending or attacking a subject at hand. A break in the logic will always lead to the readers' abandonment of your work and any credibility they had for you.

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