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Madden 25 community was trying to come up with sliders

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Man play is much easier to stop than it is on the current generation partly because playing receivers with Mut 25 coins a lead is easier as well. It appears that the offense comes with some inherent advantages.The interesting thing is that completion rates are better on the next generation than they were on the current generation since they are generally lower (again particularly when playing against the AI).
In addition to being covered by the Man, the zone coverage can be where problems are really appearing, and it's not tied to a particular zone coverage. It's even more frustrating that the zone problems don't seem to be consistent enough to be able to pinpoint one or the other and tell "fix that" to improve everyone else. Sometimes it's logical, and sometimes it's the player's inability to response, and at times, it's a matter of awareness after the actual event.
EA is currently looking into thisissue, but my first conclusion is that I'm not sure whether this is an "easy" solution. One of the reasons for next gen's change is it's likely that "usering" is slowed down to a significant amount, which means that issues that existed previously in the current generation are now more prominent with the new generation, since you aren't able to hide them through a great user. In theory, this shouldn't be too bad since most of us were not happy with a user having to traverse three different kinds of routes in the same play because of the unrealistic closing speeds and it also means that AI must reach a new level.
That is, if I make the right call and entice my opponent to do some kind of action, I'd like to reap the benefits more than I do. I'm not looking for "psychic" players or any other. And blow-up coverages are still needed since they're part of football. But the situation here doesn't fall into the right buckets of results. Additionally, I want to be confident in the integrity of my AI teammates. If they're simply abandoning their coverage assignments on a whim How can I make sure I can trust my play calls and not feel that I'm relying on the user.

While I enjoyed the new Madden 25 coins for sale player movements as well as the route running, and feedback from the controller However, some of the improvements were not as visually appealing nor as complex as the others. I had hoped for more depth and a greater focus on the secondary, but would have liked greater depth from the other and the style of presentation needs to concentrate on the more realistic aspects of the game.
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